
Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia Steam trailer

Trailer for "Titans and the Iron Front", the new update for Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia.

BRIGANDINE:The Legend of Runersia PS4 Trailer

Brigandine 2ndTrailer

Holy Gustava Empire(BRIGANDINE MV「Gustava」)

United Islands of Mirelva(BRIGANDINE MV「Mirelva」)

Mana Saleesia Theocracy(BRIGANDINE MV「Mana Saleesia」)

Shinobi Tribe(BRIGANDINE MV「Shinobi」)

Republic of Guimoule(BRIGANDINE MV「Guimoule」)

Norzaleo Kingdom(BRIGANDINE MV「Norzaleo」)

1st Trailer